External Affairs and Marketing

Die Mittlere Rheinbrücke und das Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois auf der Grossbasler Seite. Foto: Basel Tourismus

Our mission

The main mission of the Division of External Affairs and Marketing is to strengthen the external relations of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, thus ensuring the region’s discernable and targeted representation. It aims to establish and develop an international network of political, economic, scientific and cultural contacts, and thereby generate alliances with added value for Basel. This should put the region in a strong position when it comes to international competition and positively influence its development.

Special events

Basler Imagefilm

Image film "Pocket-sized metropolis"

The new edition of Basel's image film "Pocket-sized metropolis" went online! The four-minute film promotes the central strengths of Basel and serves to position Basel in Switzerland and abroad.


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