Project proposals

The Commission for Development Cooperation assesses the project proposals twice a year based on selected criteria and submits them to the Government Council. The criteria include the quality, relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, transparency of funding and ethical aspects of the projects submitted. Particular care is taken to ensure that projects with different geographical and thematic focuses are selected.

Laboratory of a hospital in Africa.
Development cooperation enables the creation of important medical centres.

Would you like to apply for funding for your project? Please note the following formal requirements.

Formal requirements

  • Eligible organisations: Only projects from organisations based in Switzerland are eligible for funding. Each organisation may only submit one project proposal per calendar year.
  • Submission deadlines: No more applications will be accepted this year. The next submission deadlines are 1 April 2025 and 1 September 2025.
  • Languages: Project proposals can be submitted in German, English or French.
  • Application form: The application is submitted using the online form and contains contact details, information on the project, bank details and, as an attachment: project proposal (please use the Word template), project budget and financing plan (in Excel format).
    > Online form “Project proposal” (EZA Antragsformular)
  • Accountability report: The beneficiary organisations agree to report on the use of the awarded funds within three months of the end of the project support. A new project proposal can only be submitted once this report has been submitted. The report must be submitted electronically using the following online form:
    > Online form “Accountability report” (EZA Berichterstattung)

Award process

The Development Cooperation Committee meets twice a year and assesses the project proposals. Project proposals that are submitted too late are assessed in the following meeting provided they fulfil the formal requirements.

On the recommendation of the commission, the Government Council decides on the allocation of project contributions approximately 3-4 months after the submission deadline. The corresponding government council decisions are published here: Regierungsratsbeschlüsse (keyword: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit). The applicant organisations are always informed of the decision in writing.

Please note that there is no legal entitlement to the granting of a project contribution.